eSports Discord Server

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eSports Discord Server

In this article, there will be an explanation about our eSports Discord server—what is each channel, who are there, and important things you should know.

Invite Link

You can join the eSports Discord server here.

After joining the eSports Discord Server

Once you join the eSports Discord server, you will see some channels. Here are the different channels you will see, with explanations for each:

1: #announcements

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In this channel, there are necessary announcements related to eSports, such as announcements about eSports tournaments, eSports rules, eSports News Show, eSports Highlights videos, and more.

2: #violations-and-punishments

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In this channel, eSports Administrators and eSports Officials announce violations to the eSports Rules and their punishments.

3: #livestreams

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In this channel, eSports Administrators and Broadcasts Administrators announce eSports livestreams that are on the official eSports YouTube channel.

4: #information

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In this channel, you will see information about big eSports players from big clans, including their contact information.

5: #tankisport

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In this channel, you will receive all the updates related to the TankiSport website, such as new updates or maintenance breaks on the website.

6: #rules

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In this channel, you will find the rules of the server. You must carefully read every rule and follow them.

7: #general-общий-🇪🇳

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In this channel, you can chat with players and find new friends.

Note: In this channel, you can only speak the English language.

8: #general-общий-🇷🇺

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In this channel, you can chat with players and find new friends.

Note: In this channel, you can only speak the Russian language.

9: #general-общий-🇩🇪

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In this channel, you can chat with players and find new friends.

Note: In this channel, you can only speak the German language.

10: #requests-эапросы-mod

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In this channel, you can request from the eSports Moderators the following Roles of the server: TCW-Clan Role, EmotePerm Role, GoLivePerm Role.Requirements for TCW-Clan role: You need to be a member of an eSports Clan, when you write the request you should include your in game nickname, name of the clan, and link of the eSports Website, TankiSport. Here is an example of how your request should look:

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Requirements for EmotePerm and GoLivePerm Roles: 1 month without any mutes or bans from the server. Here is an example on how your request should look:

For EmotePerm Role:

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For GoLivePerm Role:

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11: #tcw-solo

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In this channel, you can find training against players in the solo format (1-versus-1) by posting a message in this format: TCW Solo and the time you want to do the training. Here is an example:

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12: #tcw-tandem

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In this channel, you can find training against players in the tandem format (2-versus-2) by posting a message in this format: TCW Tandem and the time you want to do the training. Here is an example:

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13: #tcw-trio

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In this channel, you can find training against players in the trio format (3-versus-3) by posting a message in this format: TCW Trio and the time you want to do the training. Here is an example:

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14: #tcw-clan

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In this channel, you can find training against players in the clan format (6-versus-6) by posting a message in this format: TCW, the format in which, and the time you want to do the training. Here is an example:

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15: #music-bot-chat

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In this channel, you can play any music of your choice. You must join the "Music | Музыка" channel to play music.

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16: #application-заявки

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In this channel, you can send an application to find and join a clan, tandem, trio, by sending a message in this format: Nickname of your account, which tournaments you would like to participate in, any information about yourself. Here is an example:

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17: #recruit-набор-в-клан

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In this channel, you can recruit players to your clan, tandem, trio, by sending a message in this format: Name of your team, which players you recruit (for example Hard format players), any information about your team. Here is an example:

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18: Talk | болтать

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In this voice channel, you can join and talk with friends and players and have fun.

19: Play | Играть

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In this voice channel, you can join and play any battles with friends and players and fun.

That's it for this article! I hope you enjoyed and understood everything. Join our eSports Discord server and enjoy meeting players, friends, and others there! See you!

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