Showcase feature in the HTML5 and Mobile versions

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A short time ago, the HTML5 and Mobile versions (as well as the Flash version) of the game received a major makeover to its "Shop" section, out of which was a highly notable new “Showcase” feature. However, many players have had and are experiencing problems understanding how this new Showcase works, so have put here together a guide to help aid your confusion.

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An example Showcase


To begin, let’s talk about what the Showcase actually is, and what it consists of through the points stated below.

  • The Showcase is a new feature in the Shop sections of the HTML5 and Mobile versions of the game, that includes a variety of items that are often offered at a special, discounted price.
  • The Showcase section can contain a maximum of seven items available for purchase, with one slot dedicated to any skin. During holiday celebrations, there is typically a value bundle that is available for purchase for an unlimited amount of time or until the holiday celebrations are over; it occupies three of the seven slots (not including the skin slot):

    Image 9129
    The "Immunity" bundle is taking up three of the seven slots in this Showcase

  • All items (excluding special bundles) are on a 6-hour refresh cycle, meaning that every 6 hours, the items in the Showcase are refreshed with new items. You can also refresh, in the first time for free and after that by Tankoins.

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  • One important thing to note is that the Showcase section of the shop is exclusive to the HTML5 and Mobile versions of the game, and can NOT be found in the Flash version. If you are looking forward to purchasing anything from the Showcase, you will have to use either of these platforms to do so.

What does the Showcase include?

The Showcase section of the Shop can contain a variety of items, including;

  • Special offers/bundles - Offered for either real money or Tankoins
    • Including holiday and new skin bundles (such as the Gauss XT bundles)
  • Skins for turrets and hulls - Offered for Tankoins
    • Including XT, LGC, Prime, and Ultra skins of all turrets and hulls
    • Excluding Demonic skins (Firebird DC) and skins not publicly released in the Showcase (such as Gauss XT)
  • Product Kits - Offered for either Tankoins or Crystals
    • The Showcase is the ONLY place you can find kits that are purchasable for crystals
    • There can only be one kit offered for crystals in the Showcase at the max (There is a possibility of no kits purchasable for crystals in the Showcase)
    • Kits purchasable in the Showcase for Tankoins are offered for roughly a 30% discount in price from the kits you can purchase in the "Product Kits" section of the Shop
  • Crystal packages - Offered for Tankoins
  • Tankoins packages - Offered for real money
  • Supply packages - Offered for either Tankoins or Crystals
  • Batteries - Offered for either Tankoins or Crystals
  • Premium - Offered for Tankoins
  • Containers - Offered for Tankoins

Moreover, there can also be small bundles of either Crystals or supplies offered for free:

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I can’t see the Showcase in my shop. Why is that so?

A: You are most likely using the Flash version of the game, and unfortunately, the Showcase is not available in that version. To be able see and use the Showcase, you will need to use either the HTML5 or Mobile versions of the game.

Q: Is there any way to predict what will appear next in the Showcase?

A: No, there is no method of prediction. The items placed in the Showcase are chosen randomly, so you need to check the Showcase every 12 hours if you want to purchase a specific item that can be found in it.

Q: Is there any way to control or choose which items will be available for purchase in the Showcase?

A: Unfortunately, no. You can’t choose or control to only include any items of your choice; you just need to be lucky.

That’s pretty much all you need to know about the Showcase feature in the shop; hopefully this article can settle all your confusion regarding this quite complicated system, and it can help you better understand the mechanics of the Showcase feature!

We also hope it can help you be on the lookout for items that you are looking to purchase.

If you have any further questions regarding this system, feel free to ask them here on our Help Site.

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