Free Sports Clubs

FreeSports Clubs - What are they?

Just like eSports Clans, a FreeSports Club is a group of players who wish to take in eSports activities, but rather, enjoy playing together in open battles. They are NOT allowed to participate in any eSports activities organized by the eSports Helpers Team.

How to join a FreeSports club?

Just like Clans or any other team, every FreeSports Club has its own set of rules to join the club. So to join a Free-Sports Club, you will need to check for any application information mentioned in the main posts of the first page of the Club topic. If you don't find any such information, then the Club is probably not recruiting or interested in hiring more members. In such a situation, you may also consider contacting the Leader of the Club via Forum PM regarding applications.

How to create your own FreeSports club?

To create your very own FreeSports Club, you should create a topic in the Free Sports Clubs Section of the forum upon meeting its requirements.


  • You must be ranked at least Warrant Officer 1 or above.
  • You need to gather at least 8 members, excluding alternative accounts.

Apart from the main requirements, you should make sure you can maintain and organize the club, discipline its members and keep them calm at all times.

Creating the topic:

  1. Create a topic in the designated Free Sports Clubs Section of the forum by clicking the "Start New Topic" button.
  2. Format the topic title as follows: Club "[Club name]" [Abbreviation of club name if you wish]. For example, Club "Free Sports Champions" [FSC].
  3. Add a club logo, a club design and a list of all the members of the club linked to their profile using the "[member=nickname]" forum tag. (Obligatory) Providing contact details in the club page is not necessary.
  4. Use the "Preview" button to check for errors and use the "Post New Topic" button to create and submit your FreeSports Club's Topic.

- The club name or the page must not be inappropriate, it should not contain any derogatory terms, racial slurs and religious discrimination.

- After creating the topic, you become the leader of the club by default.

- Your topic will only be visible after a moderator's approval. Approval may take up to 24 hours, if you don't find your club's

topic after the duration in the designated location you created, consider it's rejected.

- You may also want to save the data in your topic in case of disapproval.

- After approval, all members must confirm membership within 3 days by posting "I'm in this club!" as a reply to the Topic. Failure to do so will result in your Club getting closed.

How to transfer the club leadership?

To transfer the leadership of your Free-Sports Club to someone else, contact an eSports Official via Forum PM.

The title of the PM must be as follows: Club "[Club name]" - Leader transfer. (If the club name is too long, feel free to abbreviate the club name and specify the club name in the message). After the person, you are trying to transfer leadership accepts the proposal, the leadership is transferred - otherwise, the action is interrupted.

How to close your FreeSports club?

To close a club, the club leader must contact an eSports Official via forum PM.

The title of message should be as follows: Club "[Club name]" - Close (If the club name is too long, feel free to abbreviate the club name and specify the club name in the message).

How to re-open your FreeSports club?

To re-open a club, the club leader must contact an eSports Official via forum PM with a link to the Club Topic.

The title of message should be as follows: Club "[Club name]" - Re-open (If the club name is too long, feel free to abbreviate the club name and specify the club name in the message).

Please note that clubs can only be re-opened after a month from its closure.

Is it possible to convert my club into an eSports clan afterwards?

Yes, you can convert your club into an eSports clan if you and your club members are willing to take part in eSports activities by contacting an eSports Official. You must make sure if your club meets all eSports Clan Rules before requesting for conversion.

Can a member be a part of an eSports clan and a club at the same time?

Yes, a club member is allowed to be a member of an eSports clan and FreeSports club at the same time. But during the circumstance of converting a club into a clan, all club members must NOT be a member of an eSports clan. If they are a member of an eSports clan, they must leave it immediately, otherwise, the conversion is interrupted.


-> General Free Sports Rules

-> Free Sports Club Rules

-> Free Sports Bulletin Board

*Special thanks to adab_online for his contributions to this article.*

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