Parkour Clubs

Parkour Clubs

Just like clans, a parkour club is team with members who are always searching for an adrenaline rush. They produce Parkour Montages and Video Guides to showcase their parkour skills and also teach parkour to the interested. 

How to create a Parkour Club?

You have some friends and you want to move to the next step, making a parkour club. This task is easy to execute. Just follow the steps below.

- Gather at least 4 players before creating a club topic.
- The club leader must be the topic owner.
- The topic title must be the club's name + abbreviation. Example: [CnC] Cheese & Chocolate
- The club's name and abbreviation must be unique (not used by any other club).
- The top post of the topic must contain a list of all of the club's members. The leader must keep this list updated.
- All members must reply to the topic to confirm membership within 5 days after the topic's approval.    


Make sure to use the "Preview Post" button before posting your topic as it will be impossible for you to edit the topic until it has been approved by a moderator. You may also take an example for the ways different parkour clubs organize their topics here: Parkour Clubs

How to join a parkour club?

This really depends on the Parkour Club you're applying for. Every parkour club has their different applications, some use Google forms and some prefer using the Private Message on the forum itself. Some of the most important points that parkour clubs will ask you in their applications are:

  • Your Nickname
  • Age
  • Timezone and time you're available at 
  • Contact information
  • Why do you want to join the club and how will you help it develop

The points above are the main things you should expect in an application form but keep in mind that they might ask for some additional information. Answering those simple questions will allow the people reviewing your application to have a better view of yourself and your aim so try to take your time and fill in the required information properly next time you're filling an application. Good luck!

How to make good parkour videos?

Watch some videos of successful parkour clubs for example
- Don't make the video too short, include many tricks in one video.
- In case of montages and guides, use a variety of different tricks, don't just repeat the same trick everywhere.
- In case of tutorials about a single trick, show different variations of the trick and ways to use it.
- If you can't get a spectator, learn to use fake spec. It will make the video look much better than normal player view. This video is an  example of a good use of fake spec.
- Make sure the videos are cut and cropped well, and visual effects are used properly and not excessively.

Parkour clubs Support

This support is an initiative which helps parkourists by providing them with some important assets to keep on producing for the English Community. For their great job in entertaining the community they deserve some support, The support consists of weekly supplies for all club members (300 of each parkour supply) as long as the club is active, and a spectator account for clubs that don't already have 2 spectators.

How to get the club support?

To earn support for your club you need to actively produce high quality parkour videos with good tricks, recording and editing. The first form of support a club receives is supplies. Spectator is given only to clubs that prove a lot more skill, dedication and long lasting activity.

What are the Official tags found beside some Parkour Cubs?

The official tags are there to represent parkour clubs which have been in the community for a while producing top quality videos with awesome content which is surely time consuming. 

How to I get my club the official tag?

You team must have a good reputation and known for awesome quality content. Continue to produce in any circumstances and patience is key. The administration is always looking for potential parkour clubs. Check the topics of some official parkour clubs to get a better idea of what to do and what the administration is looking for.

You can find the list and much more information on the current official parkour clubs here: Official Parkour Clubs

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