How can I help the game to develop?

All should take note - being an official helper of the game isn't the only way to contribute to Tanki Online. Simply by going about as a kind, friendly and active player can dramatically improve the state of our community.

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How to become a Help Site Consultant~

Help Site Consultants are the people that work day and night on providing relief to players' questions, here on the Help Site. They primarily write articles with very useful information that clears up the majority of confusion that players may experience, as well as answering any questions players may send in the form of support tickets. If you enjoy helping people and writing articles, you should definitely apply for this position!

Here is the information you should include in your application:

  1. Tanki Online Nickname.
  2. Real first and last name.
  3. Age and date of birth.
  4. Your Country and City.
  5. Languages spoken (which languages do you know?).
  6. Contact details (Discord is mandatory).
  7. Your Help Site profile link.
  8. Facebook or Twitter profiles (if available).
  9. Nicknames of all alternative accounts (including past unused ones).
  10. Tell us a bit about yourself (who you are, what you like, occupation, etc.).
  11. Do you have any technical skills? (coding, computer diagnostics, etc.).
  12. Have you ever been in any similar position in any other projects?
  13. How much time do you have to spend as a Help Site Consultant? How active are you (in the game, forum, etc.)?
  14. Are you fine with writing articles? Do you have any experience in it?
  15. Why do you want to join this position?
  16. Any additional information that you think will help you get accepted.
  17. Are you using any VPN? If so, please list the vendors and countries in which the servers are located.


How to become a Forum Moderator~

Forum Moderators constantly watch over the forum, dealing with off-topic messages and trolls, removing irrelevant information, and focusing their attention on important things. So if someone suddenly decides to make a mess in the forum because “you can do anything on the internet”, just call a Forum Moderator – he or she will explain that there are rules to follow, both in real life and in the forum.

In order to become a Forum Moderator, you need to create a new topic in the 'Forum Moderators' section on the forum containing the following information:

  1. Real first and last name
  2. Current age
  3. Date of birth
  4. Country and city you live in
  5. Occupation
  6. Languages spoken fluently (English is mandatory)
  7. Link to your Forum profile
  8. Contact details (Discord is obligatory)
  9. Link to your Facebook, Instagram or Twitter profile (if available)
  10. Date you started playing Tanki (or any approximation of)
  11. Nicknames of all of your alternative accounts, including past unused ones
  12. Are you using VPNs? If so, please list the vendors and countries in which the servers were located.
  13. A short description of why you want to join the team, what your past relevant work experience is, and why you think you are the ideal candidate for this position.
  14. Any other information you may want to include

To check if the position is currently recruiting, visit here.

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How to become a Chat Moderator~

To become a Chat Moderator, you need to navigate to the designated Chat Moderators section on the Volunteers Recruitment Portal and craft an application containing the following information:

  1. Real name and surname, nickname in the game.
  2. Your age.
  3. Your country and the city.
  4. Languages spoken fluently.
  5. Nicknames of your alternative accounts, if you have them, including unused ones.
  6. Contact information - Discord is obligatory.
  7. Link to Social Media profiles, if available.
  8. Date of registration of your account in the game - at least month and year.
  9. Have you been a moderator in other projects?
  10. Why do you want to be a Chat Moderator?
  11. Are you interested in moderating the chats (chatting with players and keeping order in the chats)?
  12. How much free time do you have per day/week to spend moderating?
  13. Are you a member of a clan? If so, state which clan.
  14. Are you using VPN? If so, please list the vendors and countries in which the servers were located.
  15. You may also write some additional information that would help us choose you.

To see if the position is recruiting, visit here.

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How to become a Social Media Moderator~

In order to become a Social Media Moderator, you need to fill out the application form on the Volunteers Recruitment portal's Social Media Helper section containing the following information:

1. Your nickname and the names of any alternate accounts (even unused ones)*
2. Your legal first and last name.*
3. Your age and date of birth.*
4. The timezone, country, and city/town you currently live in.*
5. Have you used any VPNs? If so, please list providers and IP addresses if you can.
6. Languages that you speak fluently.*
7. Your approximate/exact date of registration within the game.*
8. Your Discord tag and ID*
9. Link to the Facebook profile you wish to use.?
10. Why would you like to become a Social Media Helper?

11. How much time do you spend in the game? How much would you have to dedicate to Social Media Assets?*
12. What would you do if your friend/family member were to violate the Rules of the Game and/or Rules of our Social Media Assets?*
13. If a friend ever asks you for help with contests or to give private information about other helpers/players, or to give confidential information about the inner workings of the team (moderation, payments, etc...), what would you say?*
14. How would you reply if someone said "pls give me containers" or "pls give legend account"?*
15. Which current helpers can recommend you for the position?
16. Have you ever had a negative experience with the Administration/Helpers of the game?*
17. Have you ever had any moderation experience in other places?*
18. What else can you tell us about yourself?

You can also include additional information which you think would help you to get accepted.

To see if the position is recruiting, visit here.

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How to become an eSports Helper~

If you are interested in the eSports field or are looking to join the eSports Community, becoming an eSports Helper is your best option! There are multiple eSports Helper positions to choose from, each with different duties, allowing you to find a Helper position that best suits your interests. These positions include:

  • Reporter
  • Broadcaster
  • Commentator
  • Designer
  • Spectator
  • Video Editor
  • Referee

Here is a brief overview of each position:

eSports Reporter:

eSports Reporters are in charge of writing articles for the eSports Community, including interviews with the best eSports players, reviews of the best matches, and more. If you are interested in applying for this position, it is necessary to have a strong knowledge of the English language, as well as a decent amount of knowledge on the game's eSports.

If you love to become one, apply here with the following information:

  1. Real Name and Surname.
  2. Date of birth
  3. Your Country and City.
  4. Your Discord ID.
  5. Nicknames of all alternative accounts
  6. How much time are you willing to spend on writing eSports related articles?
  7. Have you ever been in an eSports clan?
  8. Have you ever participated in an eSports tournament or event?
  9. How long have you been active on the Tanki eSports scene?
  10. Any other information relevant to your application that you feel would be helpful?
  11. Sample article - Choose any eSports related topic you want or any match that looks interesting for you and write an article on it.

To see if the position is recruiting, visit here.

eSports Designer:

eSports Designers work with every other type of eSports Helper, providing various thumbnails and artworks for videos, live-streams, articles, and more. If you are interested in applying for this position, you must have a decent knowledge on how to use Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator.

If you think this position is for you, complete the application form here with the information below:

  1. Your real name and surname
  2. Your date of birth
  3. Your country and city
  4. What is your Discord ID?
  5. Nicknames of all alternative accounts
  6. How much time are you willing to spend on designing?
  7. Have you ever been in a clan?
  8. How long have you been active on the eSports scene?
  9. Provide a list of your full computer specifications
  10. Which softwares do you use for designing? Are you using a graphics tablet?
  11. Link to your portfolio, designer topic or main works
  12. Any other information relevant to your application that you think would be helpful?

To see if the position is recruiting, visit here.

eSports Spectator:

eSports Spectators are in charge of spectating and recording the best moments of the most intense eSports matches for use in highlight videos, eSports News Shows, and more. If you are interested in applying for this position, you must have a decent computer that can record Tanki Online footage at a full frame rate, with all graphics settings turned on, as well as regularly available between 16 UTC and 20 UTC to do the necessary work.

If you want to apply for this position, include the following information in your application here:

  1. Real name and surname
  2. Date of birth
  3. Your country and city
  4. What is your Discord ID?
  5. Nicknames of all alternative accounts
  6. How much time are you willing to spend spectating battles?
  7. Have you ever been in a clan?
  8. How long have you been active on the eSports scene?
  9. At what time (UTC) are you usually available, and on what days of the week?
  10. Provide a list of your full computer specifications
  11. One minute video of a matchmaking battle with all graphics enabled and FPS counter visible, taken in Flash
  12. Provide a screenshot of a speedtest taken at
  13. Any other information relevant to your application that you feel would be helpful?

To see if the position is recruiting, visit here.

eSports Video Editor:

eSports Video Editors work to provide stunning videos that cover the progression of eSports tournaments. They are some of the most hardworking individuals, producing several videos per week for viewers. If you are interested in this position, it is necessary to have a good knowledge on video editing programs, mainly Adobe After Effects and Sony Vegas, and as well as have a few best works to show.

If you believe this one is your perfect choice, fill up your application with the following information here:

  1. Real name and surname
  2. Date of birth
  3. Your country and city
  4. What is your Discord ID?
  5. Nicknames of all alternative accounts
  6. How much time are you willing to spend in making eSports videos?
  7. Have you ever been in a clan?
  8. How long have you been active on the eSports scene?
  9. Provide a list of your full computer specifications
  10. Are you familiar with any particular video editing software?
  11. Link to your Youtube channel or videos created by you
  12. Any other information relevant to your application that you feel would be helpful

To see if the position is recruiting, visit here.

    eSports Referee:

    eSports Officials are the backbone of the eSports Community. They create tournaments, referee matches and help reduce cheating in the eSports field, and as well as answer players' questions pertaining to eSports on the Forum and through Discord. Without these individuals, the eSports Community would not run smoothly. If you are interested in this position, it is important to know that you need to be at least 18 years of age, and have a very strong level of knowledge and experience in eSports.

    To see if the position is recruiting, visit here.

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    How to become a Contest Organizer~

    Contest Organizers are the workforce, the creative mind, and caretakers of the Community Events Contests section. They are responsible for the preparation and organization of new contests. They plan ahead to keep players busy with new, fun contests.

    If you feel you'd like helping with the creation of new contests and/or organize existing recurring ones, head over here and fill in the application form with answers to these questions:

    1. Your in-game nickname and the nicknames of any alternate accounts (including unused one).
    2. Your legal first and last name.
    3. Your age.
    4. Your date of birth.
    5. Your timezone, country and city / town you currently reside in.
    6. Languages that you speak fluently.
    7. Your approximate / exact date of registration within the game.
    8. Link to any Social Media Platforms / Accounts if available (not mandatory, it may helpful).
    9. Why would you like to become a Contest Organizer?
    10. How would you describe your creativity skills?
    11. How much time do you spend in the game? How much would you have to dedicate to the Contest Organization Team? Are you available at 14:00-16:00 UTC on Weekdays / Weekends?
    12. What would you do if your friend / family member were to violate the Rules of the Game and / or Rules of our Contests?
    13. If a friend ever asks you for help with contests, or to give private information about other helpers / members, or to give confidential information about the inner workings of the team (judging, payments, etc...), what would you say?
    14. Have you ever had a negative experience with the Administration / Helpers of the Game?
    15. Do you utilize a VPN? If so, please list the vendors and countries in which the servers were / are located.
    16. What else can you tell us about yourself?

    To see if the position is recruiting, visit here.

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    How to become a Parkour Contest Organizer~

    Parkour Contest Organizers are similar to Contest Organizers, but this team specializes in bringing parkour-specific contests for the community, including (but not limited to) Masters of Parkour, Parkour Survival, Lift Off, etc., while the latter in all other kinds of contests.

    If you are a parkour aficionado and would like to help create new parkour contests or help lead any regularly recurring ones, you should defnitely apply for this position! To do so, you need to go here and submit an application with answers to these questions:

    1. Your in-game nickname and the nicknames of any alternate accounts (including unused one).
    2. Your legal first and last name.
    3. Your age.
    4. Your date of birth.
    5. The timezone, country, and city/town you currently reside in.
    6. Languages that you speak fluently.
    7. Your approximate/exact date of registration within the game.
    8. Link to any Social Media Platforms/Accounts if available (not mandatory, it may be helpful).
    9. Why would you like to become a Parkour Contest Organizer?
    10. How would you describe your creativity skills?
    11. Do you have any sort of experience with similar projects? If the answer
      is yes, which ones? (Please provide details (Forums, Homepages, YouTube
      Videos, etc...), so we may validate your claims).
    12. How much time do you spend in the game? How much would you have to
      dedicate to the Parkour Contest Organization Team? What times are you
      usually available on Weekdays & Weekends? (Please list the times you
      are available in UTC +0).
    13. Have you ever participated in any parkour contest or tournament? If the answer is yes, which ones?
    14. How long have you been active in the parkour scene?
    15. Are you currently in or have you ever part of a parkour club? If the answer is yes, which one(s) and for how long?
    16. What is your experience with parkour? How would you describe your parkour skills?
    17. What would you do if your friend / family member were to violate the Rules of the Game and / or Rules of our Parkour Contests?
    18. If a friend ever asks you for help with parkour contests, or to give private information about other helpers / members, or to give confidential information about the inner workings of the team (judging, payments, etc...), what would you say?
    19. Have you ever had a negative experience with the Administration/Helpers of the Game?
    20. Do you utilize a VPN? If so, please list the vendors and countries in which the servers were/are located.
    21. What else can you tell us about yourself?

    NOTE: If you want to receive any special paints/rewards from parkour contests, you can't while holding this position. Parkour Contest Organizers are not permitted to participate in parkour contests, and like for all other Helper positions, they also can't participate in regular contests. Before applying for this position, please make sure you won't want to participate in them, and only then apply.

    To see if the position is recruiting, visit here.


    How to become a Battle Moderator~

    If you are reading this, it means you'd like to help players in battles and you'd like to be accepted to the 'Battle_Mods' team. For this, you need to have a vast knowledge of the game, the desire to help players, and patience. If you satisfy all of these, you need to be over 18 years of age, your rank in Tanki not under Brigadier, and the experience in this game for at least 1 year.

    If you meet all of the requirements, here is what you need to do:


    1. Create a new topic in Battle_Mod section.
    2. Use your nickname as the title.
    3. The topic itself should be completed with the following information:  

    1.  What is your nickname in the game?
    2.  What is your real name?
    3. How old are you?
    4.  Languages spoken (which languages do you know?)
    5. What education do you have?
    6.  Where do you live?
    7.  How long have you been in the game?
    8.  On what server do you prefer to play?
    9. Are you a member of any clan/ team or have been in one? If yes, in what / how, and for how long?
    10. How much time do you spend in the game? How many time you can spend assisting the players?
    11. Contact details (Skype is obligatory)
    12. Facebook or Twitter profile (if available)
    13. Why do you want to join this position?
    14. What would you do if your friend violate the game rules?
    15. What violations you have encountered? What measures are being taken as a player?
    16. Please give a short description of a "mult" in the concept of the game
    17. Which maps do you prefer to play? In what battles modes?
    18. Give your understanding of the term "sabotage"
    19. How do you identify "weak equipment"?
    20. Which current helpers can recommend you?
    21. Have you had a negative experience with the helpers?
    22. What reward do you expect in return for your help?
    23. Nicknames of all of your alternative accounts, including unused ones.
    24. Which programs on computer do you know well?
    25. Please provide the info about the processor of your PC and the speed of your Internet connection
    26. What else can you tell us about yourself?

    Note: After studying your questionnaire, a Battle_Mod Administrator will reply to you via forum PM (Private Message). Please be patient and wait for your turn. 

    Video Guide

    Sia's Photo

    How to become an Event Helper~

    The Event Helpers team is in charge of every in-game event that is organized during several days of the week. They are in charge of scheduling events, making sure they run smoothly, and coming up with ideas for new events. If you are interested in providing a new type of entertainment to players, or simply engage them with existing ones, this position is perfect for you!

    There are a few different positions within the Events Team, including:

    • Organizer
    • Helper
    • Evidence Broadcaster

    Here is a brief overview of each position:

    Event Organizer:

    Event Organizers are the Spectators that oversee events and provide instructions to both players, as well as Event Helpers. They are also the people that help players with questions regarding events. Please note that this position is not one that you can apply for, but rather one that you can hold after being an Event Helper for a long period of time with excellent performance in the position.

    Event Helper:

    Event Helpers help set up events and work in each of them to make sure its rules are followed. Their tasks mainly include helping players that don’t understand the rules of any particular event, so they can participate in them without negatively impacting other participants.

    If you are interested in this position, please note that you need to be regularly available from 16 UTC to 20 UTC in order to help out, as events happen during this time period. If you're good there, submit an application here with answers to the following:

    1. Real name (name and surname)
    2. Date of birth
    3. Country and City, Timezone and at what times you are available
    4. What languages do you know? [written and/or spoken fluently]
    5. Date of registration (at least month and year)*Alternative accounts (even the unused ones)
    6. Why do you want to become an Event Helper?
    7. Please list a very detailed information about your times availability
    8. Are you using VPNs? Please list the vendors and countries in which the servers were located
    9. Detailed information of your PC hardware
    10. What do you expect as a reward for your work?
    11. Give a short description of yourself
    12. Any additional information that may help you with the application? (optional)

    To see if the position is recruiting, visit here.

    Event Evidence Broadcaster:

    Event Evidence Broadcasters are in charge of recording and broadcasting all events onto the official YouTube channel of the Event Helpers team. Most of these streams are unlisted and used only to persecute players breaking the event rules, but they are occasionally public, allowing players who unfortunately didn’t get into the event to still have fun.

    If you are interested in applying for this position, it is important to note that a strong computer with good graphics capabilities paired with a stable internet connection is necessary, as well as regular availability between 16 UTC and 20 UTC to do the needed work. To apply, fill in and submit answers to the following here.

    1. Real name (name and surname)
    2. Date of birth
    3. Country and City, Timezone and at what times you are available
    4. What languages do you know? [written and/or spoken fluently]
    5. Date of registration (at least month and year)
    6. Alternative accounts (even the unused ones)
    7. Why do you want to become an Event Evidence Broadcaster?
    8. Please list a very detailed information about your times availability
    9. Are you using VPNs? Please list the vendors and countries in which the servers were located
    10. Detailed information of your PC hardware
    11. What do you expect as a reward for your work?
    12. Give a short description of yourself
    13. Any additional information that may help you with the application? (optional)

    To see if the position is recruiting, visit here.

    Image 8583

    How to become a Newspaper Reporter~

    Newspaper Reporters are in charge of the Tanki Online Newspaper, and as a team, they typically write between five and ten articles per month, including guides, creative stories, as well as news coverage of new features and updates in the game (reviews of new equipment, modes, etc.). There are currently two different teams of Newspaper Reporters within the EN Community: English (EN), and French (FR). If you speak either of these languages, enjoy writing, and have a creative mindset, this position is absolutely yours!

    In order to become a Newspaper Reporter, please create a new topic in the "Newspaper Reporters" section of the "Becoming a Helper" area on the forum with the title "[Newspaper Reporter] - NICKNAME" and answers to each of these questions:

    1. Real Name and Surname
    2. Gender
    3. Date of Birth
    4. Country and City
    5. Approximate date of registration within the game
    6. Nicknames of all alternative accounts
    7. If you use a VPN, then please list the vendors and countries where the servers are located
    8. How much time are you willing to spend writing for the Newspaper?
    9. Do you have any writing experience in other projects?
    10. Why do you want to write for the Tanki Newspaper?
    11. Please provide at least one example article. Example article should contain at
      least 700 words. It MUST be related in some way to Tanki Online. If you
      want to submit a story, please provide at least one additional article
      that is Tanki related. (For an example, please check here:*
      (Minimum characters required for this field: 2500)
    12. Any other information relevant to your application that you feel would be helpful?

    It would also be beneficial to read the following Newspaper articles that outline the application process, as it will help increase your odds of being successful:

    Submitting a Successful Reporter Application

    Article Formatting 101

    7 Ways to Succeed With Your Helper Application

    To see if the position is recruiting, visit here.

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    How to become a Content Helper~

    Content Helpers are in charge of most of the creative work you see on the game's social media (mainly YouTube). This overarching team is broken down into several positions, some take care of the work that has to go on behind the weekly video-blogs, some record content for players to use in their YouTube videos, some broadcast and commentate a variety of content (mainly eSports matches), and some design the awe-striking artworks that are found flooding the official Facebook and Twitter profiles of the game. Here are the different types of positions classified as part of the Content Helpers team:

    1. Assistants
    2. Translators
    3. Proofreaders
    4. Rent-A-Spec
    5. Broadcasting Team
    6. Commentator
    7. Designers

    Here is a brief description of each position:


    Assistants perform lots of different tasks, ranging anywhere between compiling reviews from the Google Play Store regarding the Mobile version of the game, to being in charge of editing the weekly installment of official video-blogs. If you enjoy video editing and have a good amount of skill in this field, or if you are good at managing spreadsheets (Google Sheets/Excel), then this position is the perfect fit for you!

    To apply, submit your application here with answers to the following:

    1. Real name and surname.
    2. Your gender.
    3. Your age and date of birth
    4. Your country and the city.
    5. Languages spoken fluently.
    6. Contact information (Discord is obligatory).
    7. Date of registration - When you started playing Tanki, not joined the forum (at least month and year).
    8. Why do you want to be an Assistant?
    9. How much free time you have per day/week?
    10. Nicknames of your alternative accounts, including unused ones.
    11. Are you using VPNs? If so, please list the vendors and countries in which the servers were located.
    12. Note your skills you have which would help the team.
    13. You may write some additional information that would help us choose you.

    To see if the position is recruiting, visit here.

    Image 9546


    Translators are in charge of taking the English script of each week's official V-log, and translating it into a number of highly popular languages (Arabic, French, Spanish, etc.). Without this team, lots of non-English speaking players would not be up-to-date on everything that is happening in the game, and such players would be highly left out of the loop of important information. If you speak a language that is popularly used across the world or by players in the game, as well as have a decent level of knowledge of the English language, this position is great for you!

    To apply, submit your application here with answers to the following:

    1. Real name and surname.
    2. Your gender.
    3. Your age and date of birth.
    4. Your country and the city.
    5. Contact information (Discord is obligatory).
    6. Date of registration - When you started playing Tanki, not joined the forum (at least month and year).
    7. Languages spoken fluently.
    8. How do you know the language?
    9. What education did you receive in this language?
    10. How would you evaluate your knowledge of this language?
    11. How much free time you have per day/week?
    12. Nicknames of your alternative accounts, if you have them, including unused ones.
    13. Are you using VPNs? If so, please list the vendors and countries in which the servers were located.
    14. Why do you want to be a Translator?
    15. Do you have any previous experience in translating? If yes, mention them.
    16. You may also write some additional information that would help us to choose you.

    To see if the position is recruiting, visit here.


    Proofreaders are in charge of making sure that news posts in the game, as well as the script for the official V-logs are completely free of errors, and easily comprehensible by players to cause minimal misunderstandings of the information given. This position is perfect for those with excellent knowledge of the English language, grammar, and formatting. If you have spoken English as your primary language for the majority of your lifetime, you are an applicable person for this position.

    1. In-game nickname
    2. Nicknames of all your alternative accounts, including past unused ones
    3. Real first and last name
    4. Current age
    5. Date of birth
    6. Country and city you live in
    7. Time zone (UTC)
    8. Occupation
    9. Languages spoken fluently
    10. What English Language qualifications do you have?
    11. Contact details (Discord is obligatory)
    12. Link to your Facebook, Instagram or Twitter profile (if available)
    13. Date you started playing Tanki (approximately)
    14. Why do you want to become a Proofreader?
    15. Please proofread the following text: Hopper one of the newest turrets in the
      game has a unique hovering ability just the same too Ares. It's
      overdrive allows it too stun nearbye enemies and bounce off the ground.
      It couldnt be brought for crystals until the recent update on October
    16. Any other relevant information you may want to include

    To apply or see if the position is recruiting, visit here.

    Image 9547


    The Rent-A-Spec team is a collection of people with strong computers to spectate and record content per players' needs, whether it be for their YouTube videos, or for any other necessary content. As mentioned before, this team consists only of people with excellent computers, that have a high-quality processor and graphics card allowing them to record content within the game at a full 60 FPS (Frames Per Second) and the highest graphics quality possible. If you have a great computer, this position could be your best fit!

    1. What is your in-game nickname? (include names of all alternate accounts used)
    2. What is your real name?
    3. How old are you?
    4.  Where are you from? (Country and city)
    5. Which languages can you fluently speak?
    6. What is your Discord ID?
    7. How long have you been playing Tanki Online?
    8. Where have you been a spectator?
    9. Why do you like to be a spectator?
    10. How much time each day are you willing to spend in our team?
    11. Provide a list of your computer's full specifications.
    12. Please provide a screenshot of the results of an internet speed-test taken at
    13. Provide links to some of your videos.
    14. Any other information you consider relevant?

    To apply or see if the position is recruiting, visit here.

    Broadcasting Team

    The Broadcasting team consists both of Commentators and Broadcasters and they are in charge of broadcasting a number of important events throughout the game, mainly eSports matches that occur almost every day. They provide a live feed of these events so that players who are not involved in these events can watch and be entertained. If you have a theatrical and entertaining voice and a high-quality microphone, or a strong computer and an internet connection, you are the most suitable person for this job.

    To apply, submit your application here with answers to the following:

    1. Real Name and Surname
    2. Age and Date of Birth
    3. Your Country and City
    4. Languages spoken
    5. Contact details (Discord is mandatory)
    6. Facebook or Twitter profiles
    7. Nicknames of all your alternative accounts, including past unused ones.
    8. Why do you want to join this position?
    9. Tell us a bit about yourself
    10. What's your past experience? Have you ever been in a similar position in any other projects?
    11. Are you a member of any Clan? Or, have you been a member of any StarLadder team?
    12. List of your complete Computer Specifications.
    13. A screenshot of a speed test taken at: 
    14. A screenshot of a speed test taken at:

    To see if the position is recruiting, visit here.


    Commentators are in charge of commentating the live-streams of eSports matches and community events, creating interesting content for the community.

    1. Real name and surname
    2. Age and date of birth
    3. Your country and city
    4. Languages spoken
    5. Contact details (Discord is mandatory, be sure that you enabled receiving friend requests)
    6. Nicknames of all of your alternative accounts, including past unused ones.
    7. Why do you want to join this position?
    8. Tell us a bit about yourself
    9. What's your past experience; Have you ever been in a similar position in other projects?
    10. Are you a member of any clan/team or have been in one?
    11. List of your computer's specifications and your microphone
    12. The screenshot of a speedtest taken at
    13. The screenshot of a speedtest taken at
    14. In your application please include a medium length video (3-10 minutes
      long) of yourself commentating. The commentary can be connected to Tanki Online, but it is not a requirement.

    To see if the position is recruiting, visit here.


    Designers are in charge of making wonderful-looking banners and other artworks that can be found on the forum and the game's social media. The members of this team have a stylistic mindset and are generally very creative people. If you enjoy making artwork, either through a computer program such as Photoshop, or using excellent drawing skills, you are great to apply for this position.

    To apply, submit your application here with answers to the following:

    1. Real name.
    2. Date of birth.
    3. Where do you live?
    4. Native language. Or any other language (spoken fluently)
    5. What is your Discord name and tag? [very important]
    6. Date of registration in the game. (at least month and year)
    7. Have you ever been a Helper in Tanki Online? If so, which position and for how long?
    8. What graphic-editing programs do you possess? Which, and for how long?
    9. Do you own a graphics tablet? If so, for how long and how often do you use it?
    10. What is your level of education? Have you had education in the spheres of art?
    11. Why do you want to become a designer? What are your goals?
    12. Nickname(s) of your alternative account(s).
    13. Show us 3 samples of your best and most recent work. [very important]
    14. Any additional information, that may help you with the application, you would like to add.

    To see if the position is recruiting, visit here.

          Image 8777

          How to become a Wiki Editor~

          Wiki Editors are the people in charge of keeping the game's main source of information, the Wiki, up-to-date. They write not only the information players need, but also add images to help them understand the material better. Whenever a new feature is added into the game, the Wiki team immediately works on collecting information regarding the new update and preparing a detailed article with all necessary insight on the subject.

          If you want to become a Wiki Editor, you need to fill in and submit the application form here with answers to the following:

          1. Name
          2. Current Age
          3. Date of Birth
          4. City and Country of Residence (and Timezone)
          5. Occupation
          6. Languages
          7. Contact Details
          8. Social Media Profiles
          9. In-Game Nickname
          10. Alternative Accounts
          11. Date of Initial Registration
          12. Why do you think you should be a Wiki Editor
          13. How can you contribute to the Tanki Online Wiki?
          14. Do you have any basic experience with coding and/or programming languages?
          15. How many hours a day would you be able to work as a Wiki Editor?
          16. How would you rate your fluency in English?
          17. Have you had any previous experience with Wikis of other games, or Wikipedia?
          18. Please include a short sample of non-fiction writing to prove eligibility.
          19. Have you used VPNs while playing the game? If so, list provider and the countries you connected to.
          20. You may also send any additional information about yourself that will help us choose you, if any.

          If your application is strong, you could be chosen for this position, and begin working on the Wiki.

          To see if the position is recruiting, visit here.

          Thank you for your interest in trying to help the game develop! We hope you can find a perfect position for you and be successful with your application! If you have any specific questions regarding any), please contact the respective Administrator of the position found on this list.

          This article was helpful for 126 people. Is this article helpful for you?

          Desenvolvido por UserEcho