How to link an e-mail with my account?

This is really important for the safety of your account! If you don't do it, and someone manages to enter in your account, he will be able to change the email and password directly from the in-game Settings, then he will bind his email to your account. From there your chance of getting your account back will be really quite low. This is why you should bind your email to your account as soon as possible!

1. Log in
2. Click on the Settings button on the account panel in the bottom left.

Image 9572

3. You will see 3 fields - two for your password, and one for your email - to bind your e-mail to your account, enter the e-mail you want to use in the e-mail field, then press 'Save'.

Image 9573

4. Now open your e-mail box (the one you just bound with your account), and search for a letter from Tanki Online. There, you will find a link for confirming your email address - click on that link.

5. After the page loads, you will see a window, telling you the email was confirmed.

Image 9574

Your account should be all secured now, best of luck out there on the battlefield!

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