I’ve been punished, what to do?

How To Learn Why You Were Banned

Within the game:

There are 2 types of bans within the game. 

1. Chat ban

Image 9786

2. Account bans / suspensions

Image 9365

If you want to know more about why you were banned in the chat you need to send a Personal Message to one of the Chat Administrators

If you want to know more about why your account was banned, then contact tech support.

How to write to tech support.

How To Learn Why You Were Blocked

Use this form to contact TechSupport. Describe your problem with as many details as possible. TechSupport will contact you by sending a message to the email address linked to your account.

Remember: Administrators cannot block/unblock accounts. Please do not contact them for this matter.

How To Learn Why You Were Blocked on the Forum

If you want to know more about why you are banned or blocked on the forum, please contact one of the Forum Administrators through PM. 

How To Learn Why You Were Blocked on the Help Site

If you are certain you have entered your account credentials on the Help site correctly, but still cannot get in, this is most likely due to the fact you have been blocked on grounds of violating the rules. To find out why you were blocked, send a Personal Message to Jay.

Why Can’t I Sign Into the TO Wiki

If you find yourself unable to sign into the Tanki Online Wikipedia page, it's not your fault! Only Wiki Editors have account access to the site, as they need to edit and update the Wiki resources. The fact you can't sign in isn't the result of something on your end, but rather, is the result of a policy applied to all players.

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