Things missing from Graphics Settings - How to fix

Soft particles, Dynamic shadows, et cetera missing from Graphics Settings~

It may be due to one of several reasons:

  • Flash hardware acceleration not turned on - enable it.
  • Flash hardware acceleration doesn't work - you should update the Flash Player.
  • Flash hardware acceleration works in limited mode (Constrained profile). CP is used for old graphic cards, meaning it's used if your card is old

Diagnosing this is easy, using the special flash-tool.

What is what and how to fix it using the special tool?

#1. "Your gpu supports Stage3D in both Baseline and Constrained profile!
Baseline RenderMode:
Constrained RenderMode:
DirectX9 (Baseline Constrained)"

Everything is supported, all the options are available in Settings!

#2. "Your gpu supports Stage3D in Baseline profile, but it appears you are using an older player which does not support Constrained profile. Consider updating your player to version 11.4 or higher to gain access to Stage3D content that uses Constrained profile.
Render Mode: DirectX9 (Direct blitting)"

You use an old version of Flash player - update it and try again.

#3. "Your gpu does not support Stage3D in Baseline profile, but it may support Constrained profile. Please update your player to version 11.4 or higher to see if Constrained profile is supported.
Render Mode: Software (Direct blitting)"

Hardware acceleration doesn't work and your graphics card doesn't support those options. But you can try to turn on Hardware acceleration in limited mode, update Flash Player.

#4. "Your gpu supports Stage3D in both Baseline and Constrained profile!
Baseline RenderMode:
Constrained RenderMode:
OpenGL (Baseline Constrained)"

You use Google Chrome and the integrated PPAPI-flash plugin is turned on. Disable it, restart the browser, and try again.

#5. "Your gpu does not support Stage3D in Baseline or Constrained profile.
Baseline RenderMode:
Software Hw_disabled=oldDriver
Constrained RenderMode:
Software Hw_disabled=oldDriver (Baseline Constrained)"

You have to update your graphics card's drivers. Update them and try again (ATI/AMD, NVidia, Intel).

#6. "Your gpu does not support Stage3D in Baseline or Constrained profile.
Baseline RenderMode:
Software Hw_disabled=userDisabled
Constrained RenderMode:
Software Hw_disabled=userDisabled (Baseline Constrained)"

Hardware acceleration turned off - enable it and try again.

#7. "Your gpu supports Stage3D in Constrained profile but not Baseline profile.
Baseline RenderMode:
Software Hw_disabled=unavailable
Constrained RenderMode:
OpenGL (Baseline Constrained)"

Your graphics card doesn't support those options and hardware acceleration works in limited mode. For increasing performance, try to disable PPAPI-flash plugin.

Additional (for DirectX9E):

#8. "Your gpu supports Stage3D in Constrained profile but not Baseline profile.
Baseline RenderMode:
Software Hw_disabled=unavailable
Constrained RenderMode:
DirectX9Ex (Baseline Constrained)"

Old and non-productive integrated video adapter. FPS is always low or gets lowered. Probably the best choice is to disable Flash hardware acceleration.

#9. "Your gpu supports Stage3D in both Baseline and Constrained profile!
Baseline RenderMode:
Constrained RenderMode:
DirectX9Ex (Baseline Constrained)"

Everything is supported, nothing is missing from Settings, but the FPS is low. The game uses a non-productive integrated video adapter (for example, Intel HD 4000), instead of a productive one. Set your video driver to use productive graphics card so the Flash Player or its container (plugin-container.exe in Firefox & chrome.exe in Chrome) doesn't use an integrated one.

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