How to prevent a battle error?

How to decrease the chances of Battle Error~

  • Play shorter battles (not more than 30 minutes long).
  • Before joining a new battle, refresh the page while you are in the Lobby.
  • Disable the following effects in game settings: dynamic lighting, soft particles, dynamic shadows, deep shadows.
  • On big maps such as Dusseldorf, the chances of Battle Error are generally higher. Stick to smaller arenas.
  • If you face the Battle Error relatively often, decrease your screen resolution.

How can I help the developers solve this issue~

Provide the following information in this topic:
  • Browser and its version.
  • Flash Player version.
  • PC specs: operating system, amount of RAM, graphics card, etc.
  • Describe what was happening in the game right before the error appeared: map, number of players.

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